gnarp gnarp



hai welcome to my green little website! i'm better at HTML than CSS, so i'm building the site first- i'll make it pretty later lol. in the meantime you can find me here.

i actually fucking love neocities so i'm going to put a bunch of my stuff here whenever i have time yippee! i'm gonna leave the rest of the default html stuff here while i build it lol.

Here's how you can add an image:

my stuff:

html here! You can copy-paste this into an HTML document and, if you name your CSS document the same as I named mine, it should work!

The images won't work, though. They're named to pull from my neocities files. Replace the image titles with your own image urls!

<h2>Example text! This is where I put the code on the web page you just copied this from!</h2> This is more example text to show that the xmp tag changes code to plain text yayyyy